Saturday, September 25, 2010


YouTube: My new addiction. For the past year I've been completely obsessed with YouTube celebrities.

So, when you think of, what do you think of? Funny falls, cute puppies, little kids swearing. That's definatly not what it is now. There are actual actors and directors and comedians on there. Making videos on a daily or weekly basis is there job. A full time, paying job. It's a dream come true. Watch some of their videos and you start to feel like you know them, like they're your family. I feel like it's so much better than TV shows or movies, because they aren't acting, they're realy people doing real people things. They're like all of us.  Okay, enough of my blabbering, here are some of my favorite YouTubers. and

ShayCarl and the ShayTards. I mostly watch the ShayTards though. This big, hilarious, hairy guy makes daily vlogs (video logs) He basically films and uploades 10-20 minutes of his everyday life. He has 4 absolutly adorable kids and a super pretty wife. He doesn't want to give out his personal information to the internet so he calls his kids: SonTard, PrincessTard, BabyTard and Rocktard and his wife's alias is Katilette. I know all their real names but I respect his privacy and will not give them out on the internet.

Charles Trippy and Alli Speed. They make daily vlogs just like Shay and Katiette. Charles proposed to Alli a year ago (it's on his CTFxC channel, it made me cry it was so cute) So Charles, Alli and their 2 dogs Zoey and Marley just make around 15 minute vlogs everyday of them just doing whatever or they'll play pranks on eachother or they go and do crazy stuff like jump out  of airplanes.

Okay, so this blog post is getting awfully long. So I'm just going to the rest of my favorites(: Shane Dawson, he's an absoluty hilarious comedian, His videos are                  innapropriate but have a good message.                She's a comedian who makes parodies and vlogs.           Sisters that make beauty videos

So that's my opinion about Youtube. Hopefully it let you guys see it in a new light, oh and don't forget to make and account and subscribe to each of the people i mentioned(: it really helps them out. Happy Watching!


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